Autumnal Adventures in Charlevoix

Last weekend Jonathan and I went up north with our friends for Apple Fest in Charlevoix. I was so excited to catch the leaves changing color. It was such a perfect time to travel. We saw one of the houses Jonathan grew up in, went to Castle Farms where they had an impressive model train … Read more

Would You Take The Shot?

  I remember stumbling upon a video a couple years ago that ended up leaving a large impact on me as a photographer. At the time when I watched it, I was just thankful I wasn’t going into photojournalism … at least not the kind of photojournalism that would land me in a war zone. … Read more

Autumn Celebrations

I enjoyed my first trip to the cider mill this season – filled with getting lost in a corn maze, picking pumpkins, and taking lots of pictures with a handsome gentleman. It was a truly lovely day! Pumpkin carving in less than a week! xo Amanda //

Nikon vs. Canon

It’s the raging battle of the brands when it comes to preference in the photographic community. For the past ­­­­seventy-three years it’s been between two rivals: Canon and Nikon. Although Nikon came before Canon, Canon is giving Nikon a run for its money. When it comes down to it, who wins? Which one is really … Read more